Friday, January 18, 2008

I want: a bagel

Why don't I use colons more often? It puts a funny pause in just about any sentence where the predicate could elicit many different responses. I am: nerdy.

I saw Cloverfield last night. In the third row of a gigantic theater. My eyes still hurt. (For those of you who aren't familiar, Cloverfield is a movie where New York gets destroyed by a monster, as documented from street-level on a handheld camcorder. It's jarring, upsetting and extremely cool.) There was also a preview for Star Trek: Under Construction. I was sitting with someone I wanted to not hate my geeky guts, so I managed to stifle my excited response to "SPACE."*

In music news, I got Kate Nash's album because I heard from a friend that she's like a British version of Pink. Since I adore angry chick pop-rock (and I've recently decided that is just fine, even a near-decade out of middle school) I decided to give her a listen. Check out "Foundations (Full Explicit Version)". It's been stuck in my head for the past day, and I'm going around singing what lyrics I can remember in a ridiculous British accent. She also has this slow song where the lyrics are literally "What are you being a dickhead for?/Stop being a dickhead." I dig it, even if it's crude.



amandanoel said...

firstly: YAY i'm first. that's because I get out of work crazy early because i start crazy early.
secondly: colons rock.
thirdly: I am also a kate nash fan.
finally: not to self don't see cloverield because if it jarred and upset you then it will destroy me. just ask big bro about my scary/ violent movie tolerance. its really amazing i can even get through LOST episodes...

FUG said...

Nothing to say. Admire you.