Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bitches and bummers

So today was supposed to be the kind of day where I woke up, got to the gym, met up with some girls and saw 27 Dresses followed by chocolate desserts at Max Brenner. And you know what? It totally was. But then the second half of the day took a turn for the depressing.

First of all, Heath Ledger died. And you can't act like that's not a little upsetting. Even I, who would never turn down so much as the corners of my mouth at a celebrity death, was a little upset.

Second, guys are depressing. I can always count on coming home and watching TV with my roommate. So that should be satisfactory, right?

I could have been so much more witty if I had just posted 6 hours ago, but apparently the doldrums are a night-feeding species and I just don't feel like being quippy. (It took everything I had left in me to make a "Phantom Tollbooth" reference just then.)*

*I know what will make me feel better. Reading "The Phantom Tollbooth" tomorrow. Holy shit. I'm brilliant. "The Brothers Karamazov" will still be there when I'm done.


amandanoel said...

you are reading brothers Karamazov too? crazy.
children's literature does seem to make life better. I am going to make my life better by watching tv on DVD after work tomorrow. sadly i have no roommate to watch it with. only family members who will try and take over the tv and use it to watch ER or some japanese animated children's cartoon...
but i think we can all be happy that we are down to single digits in the days till LOST count down.

FUG said...

Tomorrow I start taking down Christmas decorations. Outside first, so the trees will be up for a minimum of a few more days. I'll take them down during the rains that we expect over the next week.

Unknown said...

It dawns on me that you are writing more about boys in this go around. Look at you...all grown up.