Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I cyciclical

In the course of one week I have
- been outrageously optimistic
- experienced a brief bout of productivity
- gotten sick
- gotten sicker
- lost hope (hyperbole intended)
- healed, so to speak
- thrown a Superbowl party
- regained my optimism

I'd call that "about par."

And to thank for my optimism returning, I'd call it a three-way tie between
- seeing "A Chorus Line"
- being one of the top three sketch-artists in my fashion design class (self-appointed)
- Ricky's all-too-late expulsion from Project Runway

I like
- lists, apparently
- ice cream
- when Stephen King writes the back page article in Entertainment Weekly

I don't like
- ending on a positive note, apparently
- Ricky
- when Diablo Cody writes the back page article in Entertainment Weekly


FUG said...

Lists are good. Phone calls from you are better.

David Dust said...

Buh-bye Ricky!

Click here for DavidDust's latest Project Runway recap.